I have not blogged for a while... but, to be honest, I have not cooked, cleaned, remembered to do anything useful or been of use to any of my family members for the 4 weeks before my parents visited... and "Why?", you ask... because I have been 'bitten' by the "Twilight" Series books by BYU graduate Stephenie Meyer!
A family recently moved here from America and they just happened to have the first three books in the "Twilight" series. So, I casually borrowed the first one on Friday - Saturday was busy and I didn't get to open it... but, it was a story about vampires so really, I wondered how good it could be? Then, after a full Saturday I opened the book and read from 8pm to 3am Sunday morning! HOLY COW! I found myself in love, enthralled and enjoying the story! After church Sunday I read the entire book, AGAIN! (Seriously, my husband thought I was a bit insane; he didn't get a 'real' dinner on Sunday!) Then, on Monday I reread my favorite parts in between housework, appts., etc.
Yes, I was officially hooked! I read "New Moon" and "Eclipse" on our family trip to San Antonio (twice each) and then finished "Breaking Dawn" for the 3rd time the other day! I have thoroughly enjoyed the books and look forward to seeing the 'Twilight' movie it comes out!
In an interview with one of the actor's portraying a member of the Cullen family on the film set it was stated, "The message is clear, you can choose morality or death!" I love that this is an interpersonal story on love and what it truly can be like... plus, I love the fact that the main female character longs for eternity with her true love! It makes me grateful that I truly have, "FOREVER"!