Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year!

2010 has been with us for an entire ten days and I am now sitting down and commemorating it! We have welcomed in the New Year in our home with fevers, sinusitis, bronchitis and ear infections! Welcome to the New Year!

Today (the first day that ALL of my children would be able to return to school) school was CANCELLED! So, we are going to 'play school'. My cute husband is flying back into town today and my only hope is that the ice on the runways will NOT keep him from coming home!


I have a good life said...

Yikes! Sorry about the illnesses. We are home today, too. Roads look fine to me. Just enjoying the extra time with the kids.

meredith said...

we should have been home but ours was the only town with school today. Kind of sad to have school b/c our middle daughtet turns 10 today.