I was walking down the hall to check on bathtime when I heard a blood-curdling scream - the kind that stops your heart at the same moment your feet launch into a sprint. I found our little one wrapped in a towel just crying. When I asked what happened noone knew... and then I saw the blood - "Sargeant Mom" took over at that point - everyone was directed to dress, put shoes on and get Daddy while I dressed our little one and carried her to the car - of course, all the while applying pressure to the head wound.
When we finally got to the ER we were wheeled right in and attended to immediately! I have to say how grateful I am that this event happend after we had been in the country long enough to speak the language. Could you even imagine walking into an ER where noone spoke your language and were going to inject your child with something and stitch them up? (I have said before how grateful I am for medical advice in your own language and I have to amend that to say how grateful I am for understanding a language when medical advice was necessary!)
When all was said and done our little 'Strawberry' had stitches and a bandage wrapped around her head. She has received both medical attention and a priesthood blessing. She is doing fine - and she is a little trooper! We are so grateful that the damage was superficial and not worse! She had me take pictures of 'the bloody towel' for show and tell - so, she is going to be FINE!
We are so grateful for all the thoughts and prayers in our behalf - we have been blessed beyond measure during our time in Mexico - and we were blessed again the other night.
Oh my gosh! That is aweful! And scary for everyone!
Ouch! We are so sorry to hear about this incident. What a tough cookie your little angel is. I'm sure it helps they have a mom that can make any bad thing seem like sunshine on a rainy day...you're blessed with that gift.
Tell your little one that we are praying for quick healing and lots of yummy ice cream!
I am so glad she is alright! How scary! Thank goodness for Sargeant Mom mode!
So glad she is healing nicely and doing fine --she was so cute on phone, wanting to tell us all about it -- brave girl! And she looked so cute with the little 'head dress' they gave her to keep the wound clean -- a little darling with her 'bonnet'!
We've all had little "Strawberry" in our prayers and thoughts, and we're glad all is well. This will be a fun story for her to talk about for years to come...what a good sport she is...we hope no more shower tiles come attacking your family!
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